====== Python examples 9 ====== def zapis(): f=open("rezultat.txt","w") while True: a=input("String? ") if a=="KRAJ": break else: if len(a)<5: f.write(a + "\n") f.close() f=open("rezultat.txt","r") lines=f.readlines() print("") print("U datoteku je pohranjeno:") for line in lines: print(line, end = '') f.close() def ispisNS(ime): import csv a=0 with open(ime) as f: reader=csv.reader(f,delimiter=',') for line in reader: for col in line: if len(col)>a: a=len(col) b=col print("Najduzi string je " + str(b) + " s " + str(a) + " znakova.") def zapisL(f,n): ret=False if len(f)<12: f1=f.split(".") if f1[0][0:1].isalpha() and f1[1]=="txt": ret=True f=open(f,"w") for a in range(1,n+1): b=0 c="" while b def pr(qty): num=0 n=0 c="" while n 1: for i in range(2,num): if (num % i) == 0: break else: n+=1 c=c+str(num)+";" num+=1 return(c) def zapisP(f,n): ret=False if len(f)<8: if "." not in f: if f[0:1].isalpha(): ret=True f=open(f+".txt","w") f.write(pr(n+1) + "\n") f.close() return ret def izr(f): sa=0 su=0 os=0 uk=0 f=open(f,"r") text=f.read() f.close() for a in text: uk+=1 if a.isalpha(): if a.lower() in ['a','e','i','o','u']: sa+=1 else: su+=1 else: os+=1 f=open("rezultat.txt","w") f.write("Samoglasnika je "+str(round(sa/uk*100,2))+"%\n") f.write("Suglasnika je "+str(round(su/uk*100,2))+"%\n") f.write("Ostalih znakova je "+str(round(os/uk*100,2))+"%\n") f.close() def frek(f): f=open(f,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() newline="" for line in lines: for c in line.lower(): if c.isalpha() or c.isspace(): newline=newline+c words=newline.split() qty=dict() for word in words: if word in qty: qty[word]+=1 else: qty[word]=1 import collections od=collections.OrderedDict(sorted(qty.items())) f=open("rezultat.txt","w") for k,v in od.items(): f.write(k+": "+str(v)+"\n") f.close() def ar(f): f=open(f,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() a=0 b=0 for line in lines: a=a+int(line) b+=1 f=open("rezultat.txt","w") f.write(str(a/b)) f.close() def zbr(f): f=open(f,"r") lines=f.readlines() f.close() a=0 for line in lines: a=a+int(line) f=open("rezultat.txt","w") f.write(str(a)) f.close()