====== Join AD using PBIS Open ====== If using static IPs, then make sure to set dns-search parameter. Edit etc/network/interfaces dns-search contoso.com dns-nameservers ##the IP address of your domain controller Download PBIS Open from here: [[https://github.com/BeyondTrust/pbis-open/releases|Download releases]] chmod a+x pbis-open- sudo ./pbis-open- sudo reboot “No” you do not need “legacy links” sudo domainjoin-cli join contoso.com admin@contoso.com reboot cd /opt/pbis/bin sudo ./config UserDomainPrefix contoso sudo ./config AssumeDefaultDomain true sudo ./config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash sudo ./config Local_LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash sudo ./config HomeDirTemplate %H/%D/%U sudo ./update-dns sudo ./ad-cache --delete-all Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf for Ubuntu 13.10 and earlyer, or /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf for Ubuntu 14.04 and later, and add the following line : greeter-show-manual-login=true Then restart lightdm : sudo service lightdm restart Update /etc/sudoers which is done via VISUDO. NANO is the default text editor. If you want to change to something else (I prefer “vim”) use the following command sudo update-alternatives --config editor Now edit sudoers sudo visudo add the following line %domain^admins ALL=(ALL) ALL The change should work immediately You can create a new group just for linux admins and add thet group If you didn't set the UserDomainPrefix and AssumeDefaultDomain, group names should be prefixed by netbios domain name CONTOSO\\domain^admins Notice the double “\\” – it is necessary (not a typo) Main config file of PBIS is /opt/pbis/bin/config and running a dump of that file will show all the options that has been set in previous step: sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config --dump Now, there is also a small bug in PAM (an authentication module used by PBIS). We need to modify a config file. You can do this via the following: vim /etc/pam.d/common-session Find the line that says “session sufficient pam_lsass.so” and change it to read this: session [success=ok default=ignore] pam_lsass.so {{tag>["active directory" linux "pbis open"]}}