====== CLI VirtualBox management ======
**List virtual machines**
vboxmanage list vms
Avaliable commands
* vms - Lists all VMs
* runningvms - Lists only running VMs
* ostypes, hostdvds, hostfloppies, bridgesifs, hostonlyifs, dhcpservers, hostinfo, hostcpuids, hddbackends, hdds, dvds, floppies, usbhost, usbfilters, systemproperties, extpacks
**Start a virtual machine in headless mode** (that's why you are typing theese commands)
vboxmanage startvm "VM name" --type headless
Avaliable types
* gui - Starts a VM in a GUI window (Default)
* headless - Starts a VM for remote access
* sdl - Starts a VM with a minimal GUI and limited features
* separate - Starts a VM with detachable UI (Headless VM with GUI in separate process)
**Change state of the running virtual machine**
vboxmanage controlvm "VM Name" savestate
Avaliable commands
* pause - Puts a VM on hold
* resume - Resumes the paused VM
* reset - Same as pressing a Reset button
* poweroff - Same as pressing the power off button
* savestate - This will save the state of a VM and then stop it.
**Start a program in Windows guest from Linux host**
VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "VM Name" run --exe "C:\\windows\\notepad.exe" --username jdoe --password Pa$$w0rd --wait-stdout