====== Managing everything in Active Directory via C# (Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement) ======
Before .Net, managing Active Directory objects was a bit lengthy and you needed a good knowledge on the principal store to have your head around on what you want to do. We ususally use the System.DirectoryServices namespace but with .Net 3.5 they introduced System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement which is manages directory objects independent of the System.DirectoryServices namespace.
So what are the advantages of using this? Everything is really simple in terms of managing a user, computer or group principal and performing queries on the stores are much faster thanks to the Fast Concurrent Bind (FSB) feature which caches the connection which decreases the number of ports used in the process.
The code is divided into several regions but here are the 5 key regions with their methods explained
==== Validate Methods ====
* ValidateCredentials – This Method will validate the users credentials.
* IsUserExpired – Checks if the User Account is Expired.
* IsUserExisiting – Checks if user exsists on AD.
* IsAccountLocked – Checks if user account is locked
==== Search Methods ====
* GetUser – This will return a UserPrincipal Object if the User Exists
==== User Account Methods ====
* SetUserPassword – This Method will set the Users Password
* EnableUserAccount – This Method will Enable a User Account
* DisableUserAccount – This Methoid will Disable the User Account
* ExpireUserPassword – This Method will Force Expire a Users Password
* UnlockUserAccount – This Method will unlocks a User Account
* CreateNewUser – This Method will Create a new User Directory Object
* DeleteUser – This Method will Delete an AD User based on Username.
==== Group Methods ====
* CreateNewGroup – This Method will create a New Active Directory Group
* AddUserToGroup – This Method will add a User to a group
* RemoveUserFromGroup – This Method will remove a User from a Group
* IsUserGroupMember – This Method will Validate whether the User is a Memeber of a Group
* GetUserGroups – This Method will return an ArrayList of a User Group Memberships
==== Helper Methods ====
* GetPrincipalContext – Gets the base principal context
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
public class ADMethodsAccountManagement
#region Variables
private string sDomain = "test.com";
private string sDefaultOU = "OU=Test Users,OU=Test,DC=test,DC=com";
private string sDefaultRootOU = "DC=test,DC=com";
private string sServiceUser = @"ServiceUser";
private string sServicePassword = "ServicePassword";
#region Validate Methods
/// Validates the username and password of a given user
/// The username to validate
/// The password of the username to validate
/// Returns True of user is valid
public bool ValidateCredentials(string sUserName, string sPassword)
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext();
return oPrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials(sUserName, sPassword);
/// Checks if the User Account is Expired
/// The username to check
/// Returns true if Expired
public bool IsUserExpired(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
if (oUserPrincipal.AccountExpirationDate != null)
return false;
return true;
/// Checks if user exsists on AD
/// The username to check
/// Returns true if username Exists
public bool IsUserExisiting(string sUserName)
if (GetUser(sUserName) == null)
return false;
return true;
/// Checks if user accoung is locked
/// The username to check
/// Retruns true of Account is locked
public bool IsAccountLocked(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
return oUserPrincipal.IsAccountLockedOut();
#region Search Methods
/// Gets a certain user on Active Directory
/// The username to get
/// Returns the UserPrincipal Object
public UserPrincipal GetUser(string sUserName)
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext();
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(oPrincipalContext, sUserName);
return oUserPrincipal;
/// Gets a certain group on Active Directory
/// The group to get
/// Returns the GroupPrincipal Object
public GroupPrincipal GetGroup(string sGroupName)
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext();
GroupPrincipal oGroupPrincipal = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(oPrincipalContext, sGroupName);
return oGroupPrincipal;
#region User Account Methods
/// Sets the user password
/// The username to set
/// The new password to use
/// Any output messages
public void SetUserPassword(string sUserName, string sNewPassword, out string sMessage)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
sMessage = "";
catch (Exception ex)
sMessage = ex.Message;
/// Enables a disabled user account
/// The username to enable
public void EnableUserAccount(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
oUserPrincipal.Enabled = true;
/// Force disbaling of a user account
/// The username to disable
public void DisableUserAccount(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
oUserPrincipal.Enabled = false;
/// Force expire password of a user
/// The username to expire the password
public void ExpireUserPassword(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
/// Unlocks a locked user account
/// The username to unlock
public void UnlockUserAccount(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
/// Creates a new user on Active Directory
/// The OU location you want to save your user
/// The username of the new user
/// The password of the new user
/// The given name of the new user
/// The surname of the new user
/// returns the UserPrincipal object
public UserPrincipal CreateNewUser(string sOU, string sUserName, string sPassword, string sGivenName, string sSurname)
if (!IsUserExisiting(sUserName))
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext(sOU);
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(oPrincipalContext, sUserName, sPassword, true /*Enabled or not*/);
//User Log on Name
oUserPrincipal.UserPrincipalName = sUserName;
oUserPrincipal.GivenName = sGivenName;
oUserPrincipal.Surname = sSurname;
return oUserPrincipal;
return GetUser(sUserName);
/// Deletes a user in Active Directory
/// The username you want to delete
/// Returns true if successfully deleted
public bool DeleteUser(string sUserName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
return true;
return false;
#region Group Methods
/// Creates a new group in Active Directory
/// The OU location you want to save your new Group
/// The name of the new group
/// The description of the new group
/// The scope of the new group
/// True is you want this group to be a security group, false if you want this as a distribution group
/// Retruns the GroupPrincipal object
public GroupPrincipal CreateNewGroup(string sOU, string sGroupName, string sDescription, GroupScope oGroupScope, bool bSecurityGroup)
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext(sOU);
GroupPrincipal oGroupPrincipal = new GroupPrincipal(oPrincipalContext, sGroupName);
oGroupPrincipal.Description = sDescription;
oGroupPrincipal.GroupScope = oGroupScope;
oGroupPrincipal.IsSecurityGroup = bSecurityGroup;
return oGroupPrincipal;
/// Adds the user for a given group
/// The user you want to add to a group
/// The group you want the user to be added in
/// Returns true if successful
public bool AddUserToGroup(string sUserName, string sGroupName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
GroupPrincipal oGroupPrincipal = GetGroup(sGroupName);
if (oUserPrincipal != null && oGroupPrincipal != null)
if (!IsUserGroupMember(sUserName, sGroupName))
return true;
return false;
/// Removes user from a given group
/// The user you want to remove from a group
/// The group you want the user to be removed from
/// Returns true if successful
public bool RemoveUserFromGroup(string sUserName, string sGroupName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
GroupPrincipal oGroupPrincipal = GetGroup(sGroupName);
if (oUserPrincipal != null && oGroupPrincipal != null)
if (IsUserGroupMember(sUserName, sGroupName))
return true;
return false;
/// Checks if user is a member of a given group
/// The user you want to validate
/// The group you want to check the membership of the user
/// Returns true if user is a group member
public bool IsUserGroupMember(string sUserName, string sGroupName)
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
GroupPrincipal oGroupPrincipal = GetGroup(sGroupName);
if (oUserPrincipal != null && oGroupPrincipal != null)
return oGroupPrincipal.Members.Contains(oUserPrincipal);
return false;
/// Gets a list of the users group memberships
/// The user you want to get the group memberships
/// Returns an arraylist of group memberships
public ArrayList GetUserGroups(string sUserName)
ArrayList myItems = new ArrayList();
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
PrincipalSearchResult oPrincipalSearchResult = oUserPrincipal.GetGroups();
foreach (Principal oResult in oPrincipalSearchResult)
return myItems;
/// Gets a list of the users authorization groups
/// The user you want to get authorization groups
/// Returns an arraylist of group authorization memberships
public ArrayList GetUserAuthorizationGroups(string sUserName)
ArrayList myItems = new ArrayList();
UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName);
PrincipalSearchResult oPrincipalSearchResult = oUserPrincipal.GetAuthorizationGroups();
foreach (Principal oResult in oPrincipalSearchResult)
return myItems;
#region Helper Methods
/// Gets the base principal context
/// Retruns the PrincipalContext object
public PrincipalContext GetPrincipalContext()
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, sDomain, sDefaultOU, ContextOptions.SimpleBind, sServiceUser, sServicePassword);
return oPrincipalContext;
/// Gets the principal context on specified OU
/// The OU you want your Principal Context to run on
/// Retruns the PrincipalContext object
public PrincipalContext GetPrincipalContext(string sOU)
PrincipalContext oPrincipalContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, sDomain, sOU, ContextOptions.SimpleBind, sServiceUser, sServicePassword);
return oPrincipalContext;
Now this is how to use it.
ADMethodsAccountManagement ADMethods = new ADMethodsAccountManagement();
UserPrincipal myUser = ADMethods.GetUser("Test");
myUser.GivenName = "Given Name";
myUser.Surname = "Surname";
myUser.MiddleName = "Middle Name";
myUser.EmailAddress = "Email Address";
myUser.EmployeeId = "Employee ID";