====== Powershell get AD info ====== The system requirements for Exchange Server 2013 include the following for Active Directory: * Forest and domain functional level of Windows Server 2003 or higher (up to Windows Server 2012 R2 is supported with Exchange Server 2013 SP1 or later) * Schema Master running Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later * At least one global catalog server in each Active Directory site where Exchange 2013 will be installed that runs Windows Server 2003 SP2 or higher Using PowerShell we can retrieve all of this information quickly. Here is a script that breaks a whole lot of PowerShell “rules” but gets the job done. The script requires the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module, and in a multi-domain forest should be run in the forest root domain with an admin account that can access each domain. <# .SYNOPSIS Get-ADInfo.ps1 - PowerShell script to collect Active Directory information .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell Script collects some basic information about an Active Directory environment that is useful for verifying the pre-requisites for an Exchange Server deployment or upgrade. .OUTPUTS Results are output to the console and to a HTML file. .EXAMPLE .\Get-ADInfo.ps1 Runs the script and generates the output. .NOTES Written by: Paul Cunningham Find me on: * My Blog: http://paulcunningham.me * Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulcunningham * LinkedIn: http://au.linkedin.com/in/cunninghamp/ * Github: https://github.com/cunninghamp For more Exchange Server tips, tricks and news check out Exchange Server Pro. * Website: http://exchangeserverpro.com * Twitter: http://twitter.com/exchservpro Change Log V1.00, 26/06/2015 - Initial version #> #requires -version 2 $htmlreport = $null $htmlbody = $null $htmlfile = "ADInfo.html" $spacer = "
" Import-Module ActiveDirectory #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect AD Forest information and convert to HTML fragment #--------------------------------------------------------------------- $forest = Get-ADForest $htmlbody += "

Forest Details

" $forestinfo = New-Object PSObject Write-Host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "*** Forest: $($forest.RootDomain) ***" Write-Host "" $forestinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Forest" -Value $($forest.RootDomain) Write-Host "Forest Mode: $($forest.ForestMode)" $forestinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Forest Mode" -Value $($forest.ForestMode) Write-Host "Schema Master: $($forest.SchemaMaster)" $forestinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Schema Master" -Value $($forest.SchemaMaster) Write-Host "Domain Naming Master: $($forest.DomainNamingMaster)" $forestinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Domain Naming Master" -Value $($forest.DomainNamingMaster) Write-Host "Additional UPN Suffixes: $($forest.UPNSuffixes)" $forestinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Additional UPN Suffixes" -Value $($forest.UPNSuffixes) $htmlbody += $forestinfo | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $htmlbody += $spacer #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect AD Domain information and convert to HTML fragment #--------------------------------------------------------------------- $htmlbody += "

Domain Details

" $domains = @($forest | Select -ExpandProperty:Domains) Foreach ($domain in $domains) { Write-Host "" Write-Host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "*** Domain: $domain ***" Write-Host "" $domaindetails = Get-ADDomain $domain $domaininfo = New-Object PSObject $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $domaindetails.Name Write-Host "NetBIOS Name: $($domaindetails.NetBIOSName)" $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "NetBIOS Name" -Value $domaindetails.NetBIOSName Write-Host "Domain Mode: $($domaindetails.DomainMode)" $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Mode" -Value $($domaindetails.DomainMode) Write-Host "PDC Emulator: $($domaindetails.PDCEmulator)" $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "PDC Emulator" -Value $($domaindetails.PDCEmulator) Write-Host "Infrastructure Master: $($domaindetails.InfrastructureMaster)" $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Infrastructure Master" -Value $($domaindetails.InfrastructureMaster) Write-Host "RID Master: $($domaindetails.RIDMaster)" $domaininfo | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "RID Master" -Value $($domaindetails.RIDMaster) $htmlbody += $domaininfo | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $htmlbody += $spacer } $htmlbody += "

Global Catalog Servers by Site/OS

" $domaincontrollers = @(Get-ADDomainController -Filter {IsGlobalCatalog -eq $true}) $gcs = @($domaincontrollers | Group-Object -Property:Site,OperatingSystem | Select @{Expression="Name";Label="Site, OS"},Count) Write-Host "" Write-Host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "*** Global Catalogs by Site/OS ***" $gcs = $gcs | Sort "Site, OS" $gcs | ft -auto $htmlbody += $gcs | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment Write-Verbose "Producing HTML report" $reportime = Get-Date #Common HTML head and styles $htmlhead="

Active Directory Information

Generated: $reportime

" $htmltail = " " $htmlreport = $htmlhead + $htmlbody + $htmltail $htmlreport | Out-File $htmlfile -Encoding Utf8