Table of Contents

Setup a Domain Controller with Windows 2016 Server Core

Setup static IP Open Powershell Install ADDS

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools


Installing the First Domain Controller in Forest

This will install the basic features and functions, however, if you want to install a customised setup – which I assume you would want to do – in a proper business environment, I will provide a sample setup for you to follow. I will lay this out line per line, to make for easy reading, but when you are passing the parameters, please be sure not to break lines anywhere. The line breaks in my example are just for readability:

-DatabasePath “C:\Windows\NTDS”
-DomainMode “Win2012R2” //use integer 7 for Win2016
-DomainName “”
-DomainNetbiosName “CONTOSO”
-ForestMode “Win2012R2” //use integer 7 for Win2016
-LogPath “C:\Windows\NTDS”
-SysvolPath “C:\Windows\SYSVOL”

Installing the Additional Domain Controller in domain

Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName -InstallDNS:$True –Credential (Get-Credential)

Transfering roles to the new server

  1. Open ADUC
  2. Change domain controller to the desired DC
  3. Open 'Operations Masters'
  4. Click 'Change' on all roles

Joining server into the domain

add-computer -DomainName -Credential (Get-Credential)


Install-ADDSDomain -NewDomainName sub -ParentDomainName -InstallDNS -CreateDNSDelegation -DomainMode 7 -SafeModeAdministratorPassword (Get-Credentials) -Credentials (Get-Credentials)