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BitLocker: Encrypt containers instead of entire drives

TrueCrypt had a really nifty feature that allowed the user to encrypt only certain containers instead of entire drives. BitLocker does not. Or does it? In this short tutorial I’m going to show you how to (by using some sneaky and mischievous built-in disk management trickery) “fool” BitLocker into encrypting only what you want and even hide it from prying eyes.

Before we begin do note that you can only pull this off with certain versions of Windows that actually support BitLocker functionality and those are Windows 7 Ultimate/Windows 8/8.1 Professional and Enterprise. Now that that’s sorted we will also assume that you already have some level of experience with BitLocker (basically that you know how to lock a drive will be sufficient) because we shall be mostly concentrating our efforts on how to create a container that will then be encrypted by BL.

The Question: How to make BitLocker encrypt only what we want and not an entire drive? The Answer: Simple – give it a drive. Just make it virtual. Yes my dears, we can bamboozle BitLocker into thinking it’s doing it’s job with a VHD, which in turn allows for enough flexibility to only actually ever encrypt that what needs to be encrypted.

Let’s start!

Create a VHD

Copy the data and encrypt the VHD

“Hide” your newly encrypted data

And we’re done. I know it looks like allot if you’ve never done this kinda thing before but believe me – it’s quick and easy once you get the hang of it, and what’s more important: it’ll keep your data safe in a more flexible and reliable way then thus far.