Configuring Excel (and Word) Services On SharePoint 2013

So, you have successfully installed SharePoint Prerequisites, SharePoint 2013, and have created your first Web Application.

There are several ways to edit documents uploaded in your 'Documents' library. You could download the documents and open them in Microsoft Office, or you could use SharePoint Excel and Work Services to edit them in your browser.

Here is how you enable those services:First, add two users to your AD (or ask you administrator to do it for you)

Now, open your SharePoint Central Management web application.

First, register the newly created accounts

The accounts that you just registered needs to be granted access to the SharePoint content database. This is done through power shell. open SharePoint 2013 management Shell as an Administrator.

PS c:\> $w = Get-SPWebApplication -identity
PS c:\> $w.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity("EXAMPLE\SHPT_Excel")
PS c:\> $w.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity("EXAMPLE\SHPT_Word")

If you run multiple web applications, you need to run these commands for each application.

Now, you need to start the Excel and Word services.

Now that you have created the accounts and have started the services, you need to create an application pool.

For Excel services:

For Word services:

You're done!