
Configure Citrix Receiver to Use HTTP Stores on Windows

For Receiver 3.1 and later, Only secure (HTTPS) stores are allowed by default. If you have only unsecure stores, here is how you can bypass this limitation.

Note: Citrix recommends using HTTPS in production environments.

Open registry editor and navigate to:

  • Set AllowAddStore value to A to allow users to add non-secure stores.
  • Set AllowSavePwd value to A to allow users to save their passwords for non-secure stores.

Navigate to:

  • Set ConnectionSecurityMode (REG_SZ type) value to A

Exit and restart Receiver.

Value explanations:

  1. N - Prevent operation
  2. S - Allow secure
  3. A - Allow both secure and non-secure
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  • software/misc/citrix.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/10/31 09:05
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