
Disable modern standby (S0) on Windows 11

Execute powercfg /a

C:\Users\user>powercfg /a
The following sleep states are available on this system:
    Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected
    Fast Startup
The following sleep states are not available on this system:
    Standby (S1)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.
        This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.
    Standby (S2)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.
        This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.
    Standby (S3)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.
        This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.
    Hybrid Sleep
        Standby (S3) is not available.
        The hypervisor does not support this standby state.

Execute the following command and restart

reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power /v PlatformAoAcOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0

You should have this new output for powercfg /a after restart

C:\Users\user>powercfg /a
The following sleep states are available on this system:
    Fast Startup

The following sleep states are not available on this system:
    Standby (S1)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.

    Standby (S2)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.

    Standby (S3)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.

    Standby (S0 Low Power Idle)
        The system firmware does not support this standby state.

    Hybrid Sleep
        Standby (S3) is not available.
        The hypervisor does not support this standby state.

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  • windows/client_os/disable_modern_standby_s0.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/21 15:55
  • by tplecko