
NIC Teaming and VLAN tag

Create virtual switch

New-VMSwitch -Name "SETSwitch" -AllowManagementOS $false -NetAdapterName "Eth1","Eth2" -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true

Create virtual adapter, connected to newly created switch

Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName "SETSwitch" -Name "Management"

Set VLAN tag to newly created adapter

# Get adapter into variable
$NIC1 = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name "Management" -ManagementOS
# Set tag (to desired value)
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $NIC1 -Access -VlanId 121

Set adapter IP address, and you're good to go

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  • windows/powershell_commands/nic_teaming.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/10/31 09:06
  • by